Contra Costa County Adult
Education Centers
- Earn a high school diploma or prepare to take a high school equivalency exam (Pearson Vue GED or ETS HiSET.)
- Learn English or prepare for the Citizenship Exam
- Train for a career
- Improve your academic skills to prepare for college.
What are you waiting for?
Move Ahead with Adult Ed

Start anytime at Contra Costa Adult Schools! Free and low-cost classes begin year-round. Learn online or in a classroom. We’re here to help you every step of the way!

Finish High School/GED
Earn a high school diploma or prepare to take a high school equivalency exam (Pearson Vue GED or ETS HiSET.)
Yes! I want to finish High School
Learn English or Prep for Citizenship Exam
Improve your language skills so you are well-prepared to enter a good-paying job, help your children with schoolwork, or even prepare for the Citizenship exam Removing the language barrier opens up a world for you!
Yes! I want to learn English!
Career Training for a Better Job and/or learn digital skills
Upgrade your skills! Earn industry-recognized certifications, enter career pathways, and train for jobs in high demand industry sectors!
Yes! I want to learn new skills!
Prepare for College
Brush up on the skills you need to prepare to attend a 2-year or 4-year college. The possibilities are endless!
Contact Us
Complete the form below and an admissions counselor from a Contra Costa Adult School will be in touch to help you register.